Bridging Blockchain To The One Belt One Road Regions

One Belt One Road Blockchain Association, or 1B1R BCA for short, aims to promote the sustainable development and growth of the blockchain ecosystem. The 1B1R BCA encourages and supports legal and compliant blockchain projects in Hong Kong and along one belt one road countries. We are a fintech and investment professional in the blockchain field and are interested in building alliances with established companies and regulators across all industries.

We also advise on early blockchain projects and startups. We promote legal blockchain development through education and training, research and development, consulting and other activities.


Education and Training

At 1B1R BCA,  through our blockchain training and education courses, we work with local and foreign technological experts, academia, industry representatives, and the government to organise public seminars, workshops, panels, and competitions to educate students and the public on blockchain technology.

Previous workshops and seminars held by 1B1R BCA covered a wide range of topics relevant to blockchain technology such as its basic principles, related legal issues, business strategies. Students may participate in the workshops and seminars for free. Student initiatives are run in co-operation with local and foreign universities.


Sponsorship and  Donation

1B1R BCA welcomes different forms of engagement and collaborations, such as but not limited to speaking events, panels, conferences, private presentations, consultations, and other advisory activities.

1B1R BCA reserves the right to reduce or waive the requirement for such Engagement Donation at its sole discretion on a case-by-case basis.

Research and Standarization

Another crucial part of our work links to the advancement of the development of blockchain technology. 1B1R BCA works with local universities to develop the application and standardization  of ways to operate blockchain application.  We also bring together local and overseas experts to carry out research projects on a range of potential blockchain solutions and applications.

To promote the legitimate and compliant use of blockchain technology, we work closely with connected local and foreign legal practitioners who keep track of and advise academic and government representatives on the latest regulatory development in  Greater Bay Area and beyond.

Using blockchain technology brings in progress

1B1R BCA uses our fintech technology advantages to promote the advancement of blockchain.

Consulting and Advisory

We provide advisory services to the public and private sectors on implementation and integration of blockchain and DLT, as well as policy formation and  regulations compliance .

We provide relevant insights to academic, industry, and government professionals in developing the policy, trends and solutions .